10 Fun Active Play Activities for Kids
Active play is essential for children’s growth, helping them stay fit and develop important skills. Fun activities keep kids active and engaged, boosting their creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.
As parents, it’s important to make sure that you aid their growth and create engaging activities for them. With this, we’re here to give you ten fun and easy active play ideas, from giant tic-tac-toe to nature scavenger hunts. These activities are not only entertaining but also help kids learn and grow in a healthy way.
Let’s begin!
Active Play Activities for Every Kid
Giant Tic-Tac-Toe
Stimulate their motor skills and their cognitive thinking as well!
Create a giant tic-tac-toe board using a shower curtain and tape or chalk on the driveway. Use frisbees or bean bags as markers. This activity combines physical movement with strategic thinking.
Pro-tip: Encourage kids to come up with creative ways to reach their squares, like hopping or skipping.
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Introduce them to nature from an early age.
Design a scavenger hunt that encourages kids to explore nature. Include items like specific leaves, rocks, or insects. This activity promotes physical activity and an appreciation for the environment.
Pro-tip: Teach children about the different items they find to enhance their learning experience and develop their natural curiosity.
Parachute Games

Using a large parachute, play various games like “Mushroom,” where kids lift the parachute and sit under it, or “Popcorn,” where they shake the parachute to bounce balls around. These activities foster teamwork and coordination.
Pro-tip: To make this a worry-free experience, ensure there is enough space and no sharp objects around.
Mini Sports Day
Organise a mini sports day with activities like sack races, three-legged races, and egg-and-spoon races. This encourages friendly competition and physical exertion.
Pro-tip: You know your child best so make sure you tailor and adapt these activities to suit your own children’s needs.
Yoga for Kids
Introduce kids to yoga with simple poses and stretches. Use storytelling to make it more engaging, like pretending to be animals or trees. Yoga enhances flexibility, strength, and mindfulness.
Pro tip: What themes can you use to make yoga sessions more imaginative and fun for kids?
Bubble Wrap Stomp
Lay out bubble wrap on the floor and let kids stomp on it to pop the bubbles. This is a fun sensory activity that also promotes physical activity.
Pro-tip: Turn it into a game by having children stomp to music or follow a specific pattern.
Simon Says
Play a game of Simon Says with active commands like jumping, running in place, or spinning around. This classic game enhances listening skills and coordination.
Pro-tip: Rotate the role of Simon to give every child a chance to lead and enhance their ability to work well with others as well.
Water Balloon Toss
This is great during the warm days or summer! fill balloons with water and play a tossing game with the children. Pair kids up and have them toss the balloons back and forth, taking a step back after each successful catch. This activity is great for hand-eye coordination and cooling off.
Pro-tip: Make sure the playing area is safe and free of obstacles to give you and your children a hassle-free activity.
Shadow Tag
In this variation of tag, players try to step on each other's shadows instead of tagging with hands. This game is excellent for improving agility and spatial awareness.
Pro-tip: Play during times of day when shadows are long for more challenging gameplay.

Aside from games, you can also make chores and activities at home be more engaging for them to develop their social and motor skills!
Involve kids in gardening tasks like planting, weeding, and watering. This not only gets them moving but also teaches responsibility and care for the environment.
Pro-tip: How can you create a small, kid-friendly garden space that encourages ongoing interest and participation?
Playing actively is important for kids' healthy growth and offers more than just exercise. By adding different fun activities, you can help children learn important skills, boost creativity, and enjoy moving.
So when you're thinking of activities for your child, ask yourself, how can you add these activities to your daily routine to keep kids active and interested?
Encourage Active Play for your Kids Today!
Encourage your kids to try out these activities and find ones they really like. Whether it's playing strategy games, doing creative yoga, or having fun competitions, each activity lets them learn and have fun.
To make these experiences even better, think about adding toys that help with their physical skills development. Checkout The OT Store’s selection of gross motor toys to see how they can help in your child’s development in specific areas!
Don’t forget to check out our website to see how we can make your child’s learning experience an entertaining one!